Security Engineers: Where To Hire The Best

Steve S

With 24 years in the tech industry, Steve served as Principal Technology Analyst at Deloitte and Ernst & Young. He now helps B2B and B2C software, as well as online companies, boost their digital presence while driving sustainable growth.

Hiring a Security Engineer? Oh, it’s like finding someone to guard a vault full of gold—except the gold is all your precious data. Yeah, it’s a big deal. You don’t just want someone who knows how to lock the doors. You need someone who can see a threat coming before it even thinks about showing up.

And hey, make the wrong hire? Not just a tiny mistake. More like an open invitation for hackers to waltz right in and help themselves.

So, who’s gonna step up and secure the fortress? The stakes are high, no doubt. You need someone sharp, someone who’s practically psychic when it comes to spotting trouble. But wow, the market is crowded. So many candidates, so many “experts.” How do you know who’s for real?

Here’s the deal: we’ve done the hard part for you. You’re about to get the inside scoop on where to find Security Engineers who are actually worth their salt. No more guessing. Let’s make it easy.

So here are the best platforms we’ll be talking about. Toptal, Insight Global,, Dice, and Indeed.

Top Platforms to Hire Security Engineers

1. Toptal

So, Toptal—yeah, it’s like the VIP lounge of hiring Security Engineers. You know, the kind of place where only the top 3% of applicants get in. They’ve got this crazy rigorous vetting process. We’re talking rounds of interviews, technical challenges that make you wonder if these folks ever sleep, and real-world problem-solving that would leave most of us scratching our heads. If you need someone to secure your cloud or handle those next-level cyber threats, Toptal’s got the A-team.

  • Key Highlights. Toptal’s selection process? Oh, it’s intense. Like, “you better bring your A-game” intense. Only the cream of the crop makes it through. So, when a Security Engineer gets the Toptal stamp of approval, you know they’re legit. And get this—they offer a risk-free trial period. Yep, you can test drive your new hire before deciding if they’re the one. No pressure, right?
  • The Upside. The talent on Toptal? Yeah, it’s next level. We’re not just talking about someone who can follow a script—they bring strategy to the table. It’s like hiring an engineer and a consultant rolled into one. Plus, the risk-free trial? A game-changer for those of us who like to dip a toe in before diving headfirst.
  • The Catch. But hey, here’s the thing—Toptal doesn’t come cheap. If you’re on a shoestring budget, this might not be your jam. But, if your project is mission-critical and you can’t afford to mess around? Totally worth the splurge.

2. Insight Global

Insight Global—yeah, they’ve been around the block a few times. This isn’t some new kid on the staffing scene. They’ve built a solid rep for delivering top-tier talent across all sorts of industries, cybersecurity included. So, if you’re hunting for a Security Engineer who’s been vetted, checked, and double-checked, Insight Global should definitely be on your radar.

  • Key Highlights. What sets Insight Global apart? It’s all about that personal touch. They don’t just throw a stack of resumes at you and call it a day. Nope, they actually take the time to get what you’re looking for—like really get it. They match you with engineers who tick all the right boxes, both technically and culturally. And yeah, these candidates go through some pretty rigorous background checks and tech assessments, so you’re not left wondering if they can walk the walk.
  • The Upside. That personalized service? Total lifesaver. No need to wade through a million resumes on your own. Insight Global handles the heavy lifting, matching you with candidates who fit like a glove. And if things go sideways after the hire? They’ve got your back with ongoing support. It’s like having a safety net, just in case.
  • The Catch. But, of course, that kind of service comes at a cost. Personalized attention and thorough vetting don’t come cheap. Plus, while they’ve got some great talent on hand, the pool isn’t as deep as some of the bigger platforms. So, you might have fewer options to choose from—but hey, quality over quantity, right?

3.—now this one’s been making some serious noise in the tech hiring scene. It’s not just another platform. It’s the go-to spot if you’re looking for Security Engineers with that super-specific expertise. Got a complex project that needs a pro with niche skills?’s probably where you’ll find them.

  • Key Highlights. What makes stand out? It’s all about the niche talent. They’ve got a lineup of engineers who specialize in the kind of stuff that’s not your everyday cybersecurity gig. Need someone who knows IoT security like the back of their hand? Or maybe you’re dealing with GDPR compliance nightmares?’s got you covered with the right experts for the job.
  • The Upside. The beauty of It’s tailored. You’re not sifting through a bunch of generic resumes. Nope, you’re getting connected with engineers who bring exactly what you need to the table. It’s like going to a boutique instead of a department store—everything’s more specific, and it just fits better. Perfect for those tricky, industry-specific projects where generalists just won’t cut it.
  • The Catch. But, and there’s always a but—because is so laser-focused on niche talent, they might not have the sheer numbers that some of the bigger platforms do. You could end up waiting a bit longer to find that perfect match. Especially if your needs are super specific. It’s a bit of a trade-off—quality over quantity, right?

4. Dice

Dice has been around the block—a lot. Think of it as the old guard of tech job boards. It’s not just another site. It’s the place for finding IT pros, Security Engineers included. If you want options—and I mean, a lot of them—Dice is your go-to. No frills, just a straight-up hiring process that’s easy to navigate.

  • Key Highlights. The database on Dice? Massive. We’re talking about a pool so deep you might need a lifeguard. And they’ve got these nifty search filters that let you zero in on exactly what you need. Looking for someone with 10 years of experience and a CISSP certification? Dice lets you slice and dice (pun intended) the search to find just that. It’s like a treasure hunt, but with a map.
  • The Upside. The volume. You want choices? Dice has got ’em. Tons of candidates, which is great if you need to hire, like, yesterday. The platform’s got some cool tools too—resume screening, automated interview scheduling. It’s like having an assistant who doesn’t ask for coffee breaks. Makes things move faster, which, let’s be honest, is what we all want.
  • The Catch. But here’s the thing—lots of candidates means lots of resumes. Even with those search filters, you might find yourself knee-deep in applications, trying to pick out the best from the rest. It’s kind of like shopping at one of those huge warehouse stores—yeah, there’s everything, but you might have to dig to find the gems. Not impossible, just… time-consuming.

5. Indeed

If you haven’t heard of this one, I’m honestly not sure where you’ve been—Mars, maybe? It’s everywhere. One of the biggest, most popular job boards globally. Whether you’re running a tiny startup from your garage or managing a massive corporate empire, Indeed’s got candidates. Loads of them.

  • Key Highlights. The reach. It’s nuts. Millions of job seekers are hanging out here, so when you post a job, expect your inbox to get full—quick. And they’re not just tossing resumes at you. They’ve got tools to help keep things sane. Tracking applicants? Yup. Screening resumes? Easy. Even video interviews if you’re feeling fancy.
  • The Upside. Here’s the thing, you’ve got a massive pool of talent. Whatever kind of Security Engineer you’re hunting for, odds are you’ll find them. The tools? Pretty slick, making the whole process less painful. And, if you’re strapped for cash, you can post jobs for free. Yep, no strings attached. Which, if you’re running a small operation, is like gold.
  • The Catch. But, of course, there’s a catch. You’re gonna get a lot of applicants—a lot. And not all of them will be what you’re looking for. If you need someone super niche, expect to do a bit of resume spelunking. It’s kind of like drinking from a firehose—sure, you get plenty of water, but, well… you get it.

Why Hiring the Right Security Engineers is Crucial

So, here’s the thing—in cybersecurity, getting the right Security Engineer on board? It’s not just a “nice-to-have.” Nope. It’s more like mission-critical. Imagine your business as a ship. And not just any ship, but one navigating through some seriously choppy, shark-infested waters.

Without a savvy Security Engineer steering the ship? You’re pretty much waving a big ol’ “Come and get it!” flag to digital pirates who’d love nothing more than to raid your treasure trove of data.

A good Security Engineer? They’re the ones patching up the hull, fortifying the defenses, and keeping everything running smoothly. Firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection—they’re handling all of it.

But here’s the kicker—a great Security Engineer isn’t just putting out fires. They’re spotting the sparks before they even become flames. They’re out there, head on a swivel, anticipating threats before you even know they exist. That’s what makes them invaluable.

Now, let’s flip the coin. Hiring the wrong person? Yikes. We’re talking data breaches that could leave your reputation in tatters and fines that’ll make your accountant cry. T

he cost of a bad hire? Way more than the salary you’re paying them. And let’s be real—the world of cybersecurity doesn’t stay still. It’s like trying to hit a moving target while riding a roller coaster. You need someone who can adapt, someone who’s not just keeping up, but staying a step ahead.

But—here’s where it gets tricky—finding that Security Engineer who’s all that? Easier said than done.

The field is a maze of complexities and tech jargon that can make your head spin. Cloud security, network security, app security … it’s a lot. That’s why it’s so crucial to get this hire right. Miss the mark, and it’s not just an IT issue—it’s your whole business that could be in trouble.

And that’s the part that keeps us all up at night, isn’t it?

Practical Tips for Hiring Security Engineers

So, you’re on the hunt for that Security Engineer who’s going to be your digital knight in shining armor, huh? Not exactly a walk in the park, but with a few tricks up your sleeve, you can make the whole ordeal a bit smoother. Let’s break it down.

1. Crafting Job Descriptions

Alright, first things first—your job description. Think of it like your first impression, so you want it to be spot on. None of this vague “experience in cloud security” stuff. Nah, get specific. Need someone who knows AWS inside and out? Say it. And those certifications? CISSP, CISM—don’t just hope they have them, ask for them.

Here’s a quick example:

“We’re seeking a Security Engineer with expertise in cloud security, particularly within AWS environments. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in implementing and managing security controls, as well as a thorough understanding of compliance frameworks such as SOC 2 and GDPR. CISSP certification is preferred.”

Straightforward, right? You’re setting the bar and filtering out the fluff.

2. Interviewing Candidates

Now, onto the interviews. This is where the rubber meets the road. Sure, you want to know if they’ve got the technical know-how but don’t stop there. You need to dig into how they think, and how they problem-solve when the heat is on. Ask them about past projects—get the details. How did they find and fix security holes? What tools did they use? Oh, and how do they keep up with the latest in cybersecurity? This field doesn’t sit still, and neither should they.

Example question:

“Can you walk me through a time when you identified a security vulnerability in a system and how you resolved it?”

You’re looking for someone who doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk.

3. Evaluating Portfolios

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Alright, got some candidates lined up? Time to peek at those portfolios. This is where you see if their experience really stacks up. If you’re in, say, the financial sector, you want to see that they’ve secured payment systems or handled compliance with data privacy laws. A solid portfolio will show both hands-on work and strategic thinking. It’s not just about the code—it’s about the context.

4. Testing Technical Skills

And finally, don’t just take their word for it. Put them to the test. Literally. Set up a practical exam where they’ve got to solve a real-world security problem. Maybe it’s spotting vulnerabilities in code or setting up a secure network. There are even online platforms that offer coding challenges specifically for Security Engineers. This isn’t just about seeing if they know their stuff—it’s about seeing how they handle pressure.

Hire Security Engineers Now

So, you’re thinking about hiring a Security Engineer? Smart move. It’s not just ticking a box—it’s a solid investment in your company’s future.

Whether it’s about keeping your data under lock and key, making sure your networks are secure, or staying on the right side of industry regulations, the right hire?

Yeah, they can make all the difference. No joke.

Got options? You bet. From the elite talent on Toptal to the more niche experts on, there’s no shortage of platforms to find your next cybersecurity guru.

But, seriously, what are you waiting for? Time to get moving. Because when you’ve got the right Security Engineer on board, you’re not just protecting your digital assets—you’re buying yourself some peace of mind.

And trust me, that’s worth its weight in gold.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What skills should I look for when hiring a Security Engineer?

So, you’re on the lookout for someone with a deep understanding of security protocols, network architecture, and cryptography. Throw in some certifications—CISSP, CISM, or CEH—and you’re off to a good start. But don’t stop there. You need someone who can problem-solve like a champ and isn’t afraid to keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends. Things move fast out there, and so should they.

2. How much does it cost to hire a Security Engineer?

Here’s the deal—costs can vary. A lot. On average, you’re looking at anywhere between $90,000 and $150,000 per year for a full-time gig. Freelancers? They might run you $50 to $150 per hour, depending on what you need and how complex the work is. So, yeah, budget accordingly.

3. Should I hire a full-time Security Engineer or use a freelancer?

Depends. If your security needs are constant, like a drumbeat, then yeah, a full-time hire might be the way to go. But if you’re dealing with a one-off project or something more specific? Freelancers can be a cost-effective choice. Weigh it out. What makes sense for your setup?

4. How do I ensure a Security Engineer is the right fit for my company?

It’s not just about the tech skills, although those are non-negotiable. You’ve got to think about cultural fit too. Do they get your company’s vibe? Can they communicate with folks who aren’t knee-deep in code all day? Sometimes a trial period or a contract-to-hire arrangement can help you figure out if they’re really the one before you make things official.

5. What are the common challenges in hiring Security Engineers?

Oh, where to start? Finding that sweet spot between technical skills and real-world experience is tough. And with the cybersecurity landscape shifting all the time, you need someone who’s not just reacting but staying a step ahead. Plus, they’ve got to keep their cool under pressure and handle the unique security needs of your industry like it’s no big deal. Because, for them, it isn’t.

What specific skill are you looking for?

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