Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs): Where To Hire In 2024

Steve S

With 24 years of experience in the tech industry, Steve worked as the principal Technology Analyst at Deloitte and Ernst & Young. As an internet entrepreneur, he has helped B2B and B2C businesses grow their digital presence and achieve online success.

Imagine your company as a ship navigating the unpredictable digital seas. You’ve got a solid crew and top-notch equipment, but without a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) steering the wheel, you might as well have a “hack me” sign on board.

Cyber threats are getting sneakier by the day, so leaving your security to chance? Not smart.

Hiring a CISO isn’t just another to-do item. It’s a decision that could either keep your ship sailing or sink it with a data breach that costs you money and reputation. The pressure is real, and let’s face it, sorting through resumes to find the right fit can feel like searching for a pearl in an oyster—frustrating and tricky.

But don’t stress. We’re here to guide you to the best platforms where you can find cybersecurity leaders who won’t just protect your business but help it thrive.

Whether you’re a startup or an established company, here’s where to find your next CISO: Toptal, Intaso, LinkedIn, Franklin Fitch, and Cowen Partners.

Top Platforms To Hire Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)

1. Toptal

If you’re looking for top-shelf talent, Toptal is where you start. Think of it as the VIP lounge of the cybersecurity world—only the top 3% of CISOs get through the door. These are the folks who can revamp your security protocols or cook up a strategy to fend off the latest cyber threats. Basically, Toptal’s CISOs are the crème de la crème with serious tech chops.

  • Key Highlights. Toptal doesn’t mess around. Their selection process is like a cybersecurity boot camp—multiple interviews, technical tests, and problem-solving challenges. By the time a CISO makes it onto Toptal, they’ve been put through the wringer and come out on top. Whether you need a compliance guru or a crisis management whiz, these pros know their stuff. Plus, you get a two-week risk-free trial to see if they’re the right fit before you fully commit.
  • The Upside. The talent on Toptal isn’t just about keeping your data safe. These CISOs can offer strategic advice on risk management and long-term security planning. It’s like hiring a security officer and a business strategist in one. And with that trial period? You can test the waters without diving in headfirst.
  • The Catch. Of course, all this exclusivity and expertise come with a price tag. Toptal’s rates are on the higher side, so it’s better suited for businesses with the budget to match—or those with mission-critical operations where getting it wrong isn’t an option.

2. Intaso

If cybersecurity is your bread and butter, then Intaso is the bakery you want to visit. This platform zeroes in on the cybersecurity world, so every CISO they suggest is already ahead of the game. Need someone who can jump in and start making an impact from day one? Intaso’s got your back.

  • Key Highlights. Intaso isn’t just another recruitment site tossing resumes your way. Their focus on cybersecurity means they truly get the roles they’re filling, and they’ve built a network of CISOs with experience across different sectors. They’re all about the right match—pairing you with a candidate whose skills and experience fit your company like a glove. Plus, they take a hands-on approach, working closely with you to nail down the perfect fit.
  • The Upside. Since Intaso is all about cybersecurity, you can trust that the CISOs they bring to the table aren’t just tech-savvy—they’ve got the leadership chops and industry know-how to keep your company safe. Their personalized service ensures that you’re not just getting a good candidate, but the right candidate for your specific needs.
  • The Catch. On the flip side, Intaso’s narrow focus might be a downside if you’re after a broader pool of candidates. And while their tailored service is top-tier, it might mean longer wait times and a heftier price tag compared to more general platforms.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not just for keeping tabs on your old colleagues or scrolling through a sea of job updates. Nope. It’s also where you go when you’re hunting for your next Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). And yeah, LinkedIn’s massive. Like, really massive. Which is great when you need to search, vet, and connect with potential candidates directly. Got a specific certification in mind? Or maybe you’re after someone with broad experience? LinkedIn’s got your back.

  • Key Highlights. Let’s talk search filters. LinkedIn’s got some nifty ones. You can slice and dice candidates by experience, certifications, and whatever other keywords your company is throwing around. It’s like a search engine, but for people. And because LinkedIn is huge, you’re not just stuck with local options—CISOs from around the world are just a click away. Plus, those endorsements and recommendations? They’re like reading Yelp reviews for professionals. Helps paint a clearer picture, you know?
  • The Upside. The sheer size of LinkedIn’s network is both a blessing and, well, a blessing. You’ve got access to a wide variety of candidates. Need someone who’s worked in your industry? Check. Or maybe someone who’s been with companies like yours? Also, check. And hey, no need to go through middlemen. You can just slide into their inboxes.
  • The Catch. But—because there’s always a “but,” right?—that huge network can be overwhelming. Sifting through all those profiles can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Plus, while LinkedIn is fantastic for making that initial connection, it doesn’t really do the deep vetting for you. That’s where the specialized platforms like Toptal or Intaso come in. They’ve got the vetting thing down to a science.

4. Franklin Fitch

Franklin Fitch is not your average recruitment agency. These guys specialize in IT and cybersecurity—like, really specialize. So when it comes to finding Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), they’re not just throwing darts in the dark. They know their stuff. And hey, that vetting process? It’s thorough, which means you’re getting candidates who are ready to roll.

  • Key Highlights. Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Franklin Fitch doesn’t do cookie-cutter recruitment. They’re all about that tailored service—working closely with your company, figuring out what you need. Their consultants? Total cybersecurity geeks (in the best way). They know what it takes for a CISO to lead and protect. And if you’re in a rush, these folks have a knack for filling roles fast. Like, blink-and-you-miss-it fast.
  • The Upside. So what’s the big deal? Well, with Franklin Fitch, you’re not just getting anyone—you’re getting someone who fits like a glove. They understand the ins and outs of the cybersecurity world. Their service is so personal, it’s almost like they’re reading your mind. And speed? They’ve got that covered too. No waiting around for months.
  • The Catch. But, okay, there’s always a catch, right? With their tailored approach, you might see a higher price tag. And, yeah, they’re fast, but that might mean the candidate pool isn’t as wide as you’d find elsewhere. Especially if you’re after someone super-specific. But hey, you can’t have it all, right?

5. Cowen Partners

Cowen Partners—now, they’re not your average headhunters. These guys play in the big leagues. If you’re searching for a top-tier Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Cowen Partners is where you go. They’re known for snagging leaders who aren’t just about firewalls and encryption—they’ve got the strategic vision to steer your entire cybersecurity ship.

  • Key Highlights. So, what’s the scoop with Cowen Partners? Well, they specialize in executive-level searches. Think big—managing large teams, driving strategy, making those high-stakes decisions. Their network is packed with CISOs who’ve been around the block and back in various industries. And the way they work? Personal. They get in there with your exec team, really get to know what makes your company tick, and find someone who’s not just a fit on paper but in real life, too.
  • The Upside. The folks you’ll find through Cowen Partners aren’t just technically sharp—they’re leaders with a capital L. These are the kind of people who can help not just keep your company safe but push it forward. Their focus on executive search? Yeah, it means they know how to find someone who’s going to be more than just a security blanket.
  • The Catch. Of course, there’s a catch. Isn’t there always? Like anything that’s top-shelf, Cowen Partners doesn’t come cheap. Their services are an investment, no two ways about it. So, if you’re ready to make a significant investment in your cybersecurity leadership—and you want the best of the best—then Cowen Partners is where you need to be.

Why Hiring the Right Chief Information Security Officer Is Crucial

Alright, let’s get real for a second—hiring a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) isn’t just another box to tick off your to-do list. It’s huge. Like, make-or-break-your-business huge.

Think about it. You’re trusting your company’s most sensitive, most critical info to this person. If they’re not up to the task? Well, you’re looking at financial losses, legal nightmares, and a reputation that’s been dragged through the mud. Not fun.

So, why’s it so crucial to get the right CISO?

For starters, a good one isn’t just sitting around waiting for something bad to happen. Nope. They’re ahead of the game, spotting threats before they become full-blown disasters. They’re the ones who make sure your cybersecurity strategy isn’t just playing catch-up—it’s one step ahead of those ever-evolving risks.

Plus, they’re leaders. They’ve got the chops to get everyone—from the big shots in the C-suite to the folks on the front lines—on board with best security practices.

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With the right CISO, your data stays locked down, your systems stay tight, and your compliance? Rock solid.

But, hey, let’s not sugarcoat it. A bad CISO hire? Total chaos. We’re talking missed vulnerabilities, botched breach responses, and communication so bad you might as well be talking to a wall.

And in today’s world, where one tiny security slip-up can have ripple effects across the globe, you just can’t afford to mess this up. That’s why it’s crucial—like, really crucial—to find the right person for the job. Someone with the tech skills and the leadership mojo to keep your company’s security on point.

Practical Tips for Hiring Chief Information Security Officers

Hiring a CISO? Yeah, it’s kind of a big deal. But with the right game plan, you can land someone who’s just the right fit for your team. Here’s a quick rundown of some practical tips to make the process smoother.

1. Crafting Job Descriptions

First things first—your job description is like your first date with potential candidates. You want to make a good impression, right? Be crystal clear about what you need. If your company’s swimming in sensitive customer data, shout out the need for experience in data protection and regulatory compliance. Drop in the tech stuff too—mention those SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems if they’re part of your world. And don’t forget to spell out the leadership expectations. Are they building a team from scratch or taking over an existing crew?

Example: “We’re on the hunt for a Chief Information Security Officer with a solid track record in steering cybersecurity for big organizations. If you’ve got chops in data protection, regulatory compliance, and SIEM systems, we want to talk. You’ll be the mastermind behind our security strategies, aligning them with our business goals while leading a top-notch security team.”

2. Interviewing Candidates

Okay, now you’ve got some resumes in hand. Time to grill—er, interview. Focus on their tech skills, sure, but don’t overlook their leadership vibe. Ask them about their battle stories—like, how they handled a gnarly security breach or how they keep risks in check. And, yeah, make sure they can speak human, not just techie. Your CISO needs to communicate with everyone, from IT wizards to the folks in marketing.

Example: “Tell me about a time you had to manage a major security meltdown. How’d you handle it, and what did you do to make sure it never happened again?”

3. Evaluating Portfolios

A CISO’s portfolio? It’s like their highlight reel. You want to see those game-winning moments—times they tightened up security protocols, nailed compliance, or dodged a major threat. And, bonus points if they’ve played in your industry before, especially if you’re in a heavily regulated field.

Example: “Dig through portfolios for proof of cybersecurity victories, especially in industries like yours. Look for case studies that show how they tackled big challenges and led the charge on security improvements.”

4. Testing Technical Skills

Leadership and strategy are great, but your CISO also needs to get their hands dirty with the tech. Toss in a technical assessment during the interview. Maybe set up a scenario where they have to think on their feet—identify a vulnerability, respond to a simulated breach, or design a security framework from scratch. Or just throw them a curveball with a hypothetical situation and see how they’d handle it.

Example: “Set up a technical challenge where candidates have to spot and neutralize a simulated threat, showing off both their hands-on skills and strategic thinking.”

Hire Chief Information Security Officers Now

So, you’re ready to hire a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? Good call. Getting the right CISO isn’t just about ticking boxes—it’s about protecting your company’s most valuable assets.

From nailing that job description to grilling candidates on their leadership style and testing their tech skills, every step in the hiring process is a chance to ensure you’re bringing in the best.

Remember, you’re not just hiring someone to fend off today’s threats. You’re bringing in a leader who’s going to future-proof your business against whatever’s coming next.

Whether you’re scouting top-tier talent on Toptal, seeking specialized expertise from Intaso, or browsing through LinkedIn’s vast network, there are plenty of options to find your next CISO. Don’t wait—start your search today and lock down your company’s future.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What qualifications should I look for when hiring a CISO?

You’ll want someone with a solid background in cybersecurity, backed by certifications like CISSP or CISM. Industry experience and a track record of managing security teams? Also a big plus.

2. How can I ensure a CISO is a good cultural fit for my company?

Ask about their leadership style during interviews—get specific. How do they work with teams? Consider pulling in team members for the interview to see how well they vibe with the candidate.

3. Should I prioritize technical skills or leadership experience when hiring a CISO?

It’s a balancing act. If you’ve already got a strong tech team, focus on leadership and strategy. But if you’re building from the ground up, a CISO with killer technical skills is a must.

4. How much does it cost to hire a CISO?

Salaries vary, but you’re looking at anywhere from $150,000 to $300,000 per year—more for the crème de la crème. It’s an investment, but remember, you’re paying for peace of mind.

5. Can I hire a CISO on a freelance or part-time basis?

Sure can. If you’re a smaller company or your security needs aren’t super complex, a freelance or part-time CISO might do the trick. But for bigger operations, having a full-time CISO is usually the way to go to stay on top of things.

What specific skill are you looking for?

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